“Thirty people, donating $20 each, can provide a year’s education for a bright youth from a very poor family in Kenya, E. Africa, where high school is not free,” says Burnaby volunteer for KEEF Shelagh Armour-Godbolt.
KEEF – Kenya Education Endowment Fund ( www.kenyaeducation.org ) – is a registered, BC-based, volunteer-run educational charity working in western Kenya. “Currently, we have over 100 students in secondary school and some 37 in post-secondary education.” The families of these students struggle to earn an income equal to $2 to $3 a day. “We are looking for new Giving Tuesday donors able to offer small amounts that can be combined to achieve a big result – a year of high school education!” Giving Tuesday – a national event to encourage sharing – comes on November 27th – after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
It costs $600 a year for a KEEF scholarship to help a student to go to secondary school in Kenya. This includes tuition, room and board, medical care, etc. to bright students who otherwise cannot attend high school and who often are seriously undernourished. “Not everyone can donate $600, but if we raise $20 donations from 30 new readers by Giving Tuesday, another student can go to high school for a year.” (High school starts in January in Kenya.)
Donations to KEEF are eligible for tax-deductible receipts and can be made by Interac, through the KEEF website or Canada Helps, or by cheque. Please indicate your gift is for Giving Tuesday. Cheques can be made payable to KEEF and mailed to M. Klesner, #904 -2135 Argyle, West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1A5. For more information about KEEF’s work, or Giving Tuesday, contact Shelagh at 604-415-9397 or shelaghag@shaw.ca.
Thank you for considering being someone who can make 30 x 20 equal 12!
Contact Shelagh Armour-Godbolt, volunteer, KEEF – Kenya Education Endowment Fund
( www.kenyaeducation.org ), 604-415-9397 or shelaghag@shaw.ca
SOURCE: http://ow.ly/U9Wp30mKe00
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