Site speed is a very important SEO ranking factor. The argument is that fast sites provide a better user experience. This leads to higher engagement and repeat visits. But choosing the right hosting provider can be a daunting task and unless you have expensive tools and softwares, you can never be entirely sure that you’ve chosen the best solution. Our years of experience and result driven website solutions helped us make excellent hosting choices that are proven to work. Your website will be hosted on an AWS dedicated server. Dedicated servers are reliable and provide much better performance than a shared hosting account or a typical virtual private server. They also come with access to a back office where you can easily update basic content, look at your website statistics and more. We have negotiated excellent pricing of only
US$34.99 for one of the best rated and most reliable server provider. Everything else including our designers time, domain and database management tools are available to you at no cost.
For your dedicated server
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+ Free domain & 1 professional email address
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